BANATICA 27 2017 M UZE U L B A N ATU LU I M O NTA N REŞIŢA B A N AT I C A 27 Editura MEGA | Cluj-Napoca | 2017 FONDATOR Acad. CONSTANTIN DAICOVICIU COLEGIUL DE REDACŢIE/ EDITORIAL BOARD DUMITRU ŢEICU (editor-şef/ chief editor), LIGIA BOLDEA (secretar de redacţie/ editorial secretary), ADRIAN MAGINA (secretar de redacţie/ editorial secretary), LIVIA MAGINA, VASILE RĂMNEANŢU, ALEXANDRU SZENTMIKLOSI. CONSILIUL ŞTIINŢIFIC/ SCIENTIFIC BOARD NICOLAE BOCŞAN (Cluj-Napoca), RUDOLF GRÄF (Cluj-Napoca), HARALD HEPPNER (Graz), ISTVÁN PETROVICS (Szeged), IOAN AUREL POP (Cluj-Napoca), MARTYN RADY (Londra), VICTOR SPINEI (Iaşi). Banatica are caliicativul ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for Humanities)/ Banatica is ranked ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for Humanities). Banatica este indexată în baza de date EBSCO (Historical Abstracts with Full Text) / Banatica is indexed in the EBSCO database (Historical Abstracts with Full Text). Articole din această revistă sunt indexate în „Regesta Imperii” / Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted in „Regesta Imperii”. Toate materialele trimise spre publicare trec prin procesul de peer-review / All papers submitted for publication go trough the peer-review process. ISSN 1222-0612 BANATICA Orice corespondenţă se va adresa / Any mail will be sent to the following address: MUZEUL BANATULUI MONTAN 320151 REŞIŢA, B-dul Republicii nr. 10, ROMÂNIA E-mail:;; http: tel. 0355/401219; fax. 0355/401220 Editura MEGA | e-mail: CUPRINS • CONTENTS • INHALT • SOMMAIRE Istoricului Volker Wollmann la împlinirea vârstei de 75 de ani ............................................ 13 Zum 75. Geburtstag des Historikers Prof. Dr. Volker Wollmann .......................................... 17 Opera științiică a istoricului Volker Wollmann ...................................................................... 23 ARHEOLOGIE Monica Mărgărit, Adina Boroneanț, Clive Bonsall Analiza morfologică și funcțională a pieselor din materii dure animale din situl mezolitic de la Ostrovul Banului (jud. Mehedinți) ............................................................ 39 Morphological and functional analyze of animal hard substances inds from Ostrovul Banului Mesolithic site (Mehedinți County) .......................................................................... 57 Ana Cristina Hamat Some notes about a La Tène period glass bracelets from Drobeta ................................... 73 Câteva observații asupra unei brățări de epocă La Tène de la Drobeta ............................. 81 Aurora Pețan Cercetările lui Fodor András Lugosi la Grădiștea Muncelului.......................................... 85 Fodor András Lugosi’s research at Grădiștea Muncelului ..................................................... 99 Radu Ardevan Römische Münzen in Mintia .............................................................................................. 107 Monede romane de la Mintia ................................................................................................ 113 Cosmin Matei, Dacian Rancu, Gheorghe Oprescu Monede antice și bizantine păstrate în colecția de numismatică a Liceului Teoretic „Traian Lalescu” din Orșova ............................................................................................... 115 Antique and byzantine coins in the numismatic collection of the High School „Traian Lalescu” Orșova ...................................................................................................................... 161 Milica Tapavički-Ilić, Sofija Petković Figural stone decoration from Horreum Margi (Ćuprija) ................................................ 163 Decorațiune igurativă în piatră de la Horreum Margi (Ćuprija) .................................... 176 Marius Gheorghe Barbu, Ioan Alexandru Bărbat Noi informaţii arheologice privind exploatarea andezitului la Măgura Uroiului (jud. Hunedoara) ................................................................................................................... 187 New archaeological information regarding the exploitation of andesite in Măgura Uroiului (Hunedoara county) ............................................................................................... 217 Zeno Karl Pinter Spada medievală de la Deta.................................................................................................. 233 he medieval sword from Deta ............................................................................................. 240 Sabin Adrian Luca, Florentin Perianu, Sergiu Chideșa Câteva amănunte despre complexele arheologice C23 din situl de la Turdaș-Luncă, jud. Hunedoara (II). Săpăturile preventive ale anului 2011 ............................................. 247 Some details on the archaeological complexes C23 from the site of Turdaș-Luncă, Hunedoara County (II). Preventive excavations of the year 2011 ..................................... 261 Călin Timoc, Ovidiu Bozu, Cristian Oprean Cercetarea arheologică preventivă de la proiectul de investiţii extindere Spitalul clinic de urgenţe pentru copii „Louis Țurcanu” Timişoara (noiembrie 2014 – ianuarie 2015) ........................................................................................................................ 283 he rescue archaeological excavations from the extention investment project “Louis Țurcanu” Children Hospital Timişoara (november 2014 – january 2015)....................... 299 Adrian-Cristian Ardelean, Andrei Bălărie, Alexandru Szentmiklosi Investigații magnetometrice realizate în hotarul localității Cornești, jud. Timiș (campania 2017) .................................................................................................................... 301 Magnetic prospection on the boundaries of Cornesti village, Timiș county (results of a 2017 ield survey) ................................................................................................................... 307 ISTORIE Ligia Boldea In sedes judiciaria (I). Femei din Banatul medieval în fața scaunelor de judecată. Generalități ............................................................................................................................ 313 In sedes judiciaria (I). Women from the medieval Banat in front of the county courts. Generalities ............................................................................................................................ 344 Livia Magina In litteris vestris rescribatis… Corespondența privată în Banatul secolelor XV-XVII .. 347 In litteris vestris rescribatis... Private correspondence within the southern parts of the medieval Hungarian kingdom ........................................................................................ 359 Oana Toda Economic and material aspects of the late medieval bridges from Transylvania: the written sources ...................................................................................................................... 361 Aspecte economice și materiale privind podurile medievale târzii din Transilvania: sursele scrise ............................................................................................................................ 381 Adrian Magina O crimă, un proces și o destituire. Disputele unor oiciali transilvăneni din banatul de Caransebeș și Lugoj din a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea ............................... 399 A murder, a lawsuit and a deposition. Disputes of some Transylvanian oicials in the banat of Caransebeș-Lugoj in the second half of the 16th century ...................................... 406 Edit Szegedi „...Er blieb mit seinem Hof mehr, als es die Klausenburger Privilegien und Sitten erlaubten”. Überlegungen zur Stände-und Religionspolitik von Gabriel Báthory ....... 407 “...Rămase împreună cu curtea sa mai mult decât îngăduiseră privilegiile şi obicieiurile Clujului“. Relecţii despre politica religioasă şi cea privind stările a lui Gabriel Báthory 424 Marinel Ovidiu Koch-Tufiş Die absolutistische Politik der Habsburger im siebenbürgischen Berg- und Salzwesen (1688–1790) ........................................................................................................ 425 Politica absolutistă a Habsburgilor în domeniul mineritului şi al sării din Transilvania (1688–1790)............................................................................................................................ 460 Oana Sorescu-Iudean he permeability of borders: drating romanian last wills in the seat of Sibiu during the eighteenth century .......................................................................................................... 463 Permeabilitatea granițelor: redactarea testamentelor românești în cadrul scaunului de la Sibiu, în secolul al XVIII-lea ........................................................................................ 484 Costin Feneșan Începuturile metalurgiei la Reșița – o nouă abordare ...................................................... 485 Beginning of ferrous metallurgy in Reșița – a new approach to......................................... 499 Georgeta Fodor Istoria femeilor – subiect al publicisticii româneşti din Transilvania (a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea)........................................................................................... 501 Women’s history – a subject of the romanian journalism in Transylvania (second half of the 19th century).................................................................................................................. 516 Ovidiu Emil Iudean Elite strategies of minority nation-building in dualist Hungary: law graduates supported by the Năsăud Border Regiment scholarship funds ....................................... 517 Strategii elitare de construcție națională la minoritățile din Ungaria dualistă: absolvenții de studii de drept susținuți din fondurile grănicerești năsăudene .................. 533 Mircea Baron Cărbunele – resursa minerală cu rol determinant în formarea complexului industrial al Văii Jiului ......................................................................................................... 535 Coal – the mineral resource with the decisive role in setting the industrial center in the Jiu Valley ................................................................................................................................. 559 Răzvan Mihai Neagu Consideraţii privind viaţa şi activitatea unui mare bănăţean: Avram Imbroane (1880–1938) .......................................................................................................................... 561 8 On the life and work of a great man in the Banat: Avram Imbroane (1880–1938) ......... 573 Ronald Hochhauser Aspecte din istoria ceasornicelor de turn fabricate la Oradea, din perspectiva reclamelor difuzate în presa locală de la începutul secolului al XX-lea ........................ 575 On the history of tower clocks made in Oradea, from the perspective of advertorials in the local press at the beginning of the 20th century .......................................................... 580 Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan Frontul transilvănean al Marelui Război relectat în memorialistica sașilor ardeleni . 587 Transilvanian front in the Great War in the Transylvanian Saxons’ memoirs ................. 608 Ionela-Felicia Moscovici Preliminariile unei scindări dinainte anunțate – chestiunea Banatului în fața Consiliului Suprem (31 ianuarie 1919) .............................................................................. 609 Preliminaries of a scission foretold – the question of the Banat in front of the Supreme Council (31st of january 1919) .............................................................................................. 621 Ludovic Báthory Dezvoltarea exploatărilor carbonifere de la Societatea „Uzinele de Fier și Domeniile Reșița” între anii 1919–1929. Recalcularea producției de cărbune conform datelor din contabilitatea secretă ...................................................................................................... 623 Development of coal mining at the Company “Reșița Steel Work and Domains” between 1919 and 1929. Fresh calculation of coal production according to the secret accountancy system ................................................................................................................ 662 Dragoş-Lucian Ţigău Proprietăţile bucureştene ale Societăţii „Uzinele de Fier şi Domeniile Reşiţa” (1920–1948) ........................................................................................................................... 663 he real estates of the Company “Reșița Steel Work and Domains” in Bucharest (1920–1948) ............................................................................................................................ 679 Laurenţiu Ovidiu Roşu Aspecte privind evoluția turismului în stațiunea Băile Herculane în perioada interbelică .............................................................................................................................. 693 Aspects concerning development of tourism in Băile Herculane within inter-war times 706 Minodora Damian Moda sub spectrul publicisticii interbelice timișorene .................................................... 707 Fashion in the inter-war journals in Timișoara .................................................................. 726 Eusebiu Narai Activitatea băncilor din județul Caraș în anii 1944–1948 ................................................ 729 Work of Banks in the County of Caraș in 1944–1948 ........................................................ 748 Felician Velimirovici „Noi am luptat și le-am bătut cărarea”: Carol Loncear (1917–1991) în arhivele Securității................................................................................................................................ 749 “We have fought and paved their way”: Carol Loncear in the Securitate’s archives ......... 762 9 Vasile Rămneanţu Corupție și abuzuri la Regiunea de Securitate Banat........................................................ 763 Corruption and abuses in the Banat Region of Securitate ................................................ 788 Varia Mihaela Grancea Filmul artistic ca document istoric. Cazul Roșia Montană.............................................. 791 Feature movie as a historical document. he case of Roșia Montană ............................... 806 Dumitru Ţeicu Istoria Banatului. Un proiect pierdut ................................................................................. 807 he history of Banat. A lost project....................................................................................... 809 Alexandru Szentmiklosi, Andrei Bălărie, Andrei Georgescu, Cristine Harnischfeger Scurtă cronică a expoziției internaționale „Heinrich Schliemann – descoperitorul Troiei” ..................................................................................................................................... 819 Short Chronicle of the International Exhibition „Heinrich Schliemann – the Discoverer of Troy” ................................................................................................................. 822 Recenzii Susana Andea, Avram Andea, Adinel Dincă, Autographa et signaturae Transilvaniae, Argonaut Publishing, Cluj-Napoca (România) – Symphologic Publishing, Gatineau (Canada), 2016, 283 p. (Ligia Boldea) ..................................................................................... 831 Oana Mihaela Tămaș, Între uz și abuz de alcool în România, Academia Română, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, 307 p. (Minodora Damian) ............... 835 Ion Agrigoroaiei, România interbelică. Uniicare şi evoluţie economică, Casa Editorială Demiurg, Iaşi, 2016, 400 p. (Minodora Damian). .................................................................. 839 Florian Banu, De la SSI la SIE. O istorie a spionajului românesc în timpul regimului comunist (1948–1989), Cuvânt-înainte de Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu, Ed. Corint, București, 2016, 608 p. (Felician Velimirovici) .......................................................................... 842 ABREVIERI BIBLIOGRAFICE................................................................................................ 845 NORME DE TEHNOREDACTARE........................................................................................ 847 EDITORIAL GUIDE ................................................................................................................. 851 ISTORICULUI VOLKER WOLLMANN LA ÎMPLINIREA VÂRSTEI DE 75 DE ANI FESTSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKER WOLLMANN ZUM 75. GEBURTSTAG SOME NOTES ABOUT A LA TÈNE PERIOD GLASS BRACELETS FROM DROBETA Ana Cristina Hamat* Keywords: pre-Roman Dacia, Celts, jewellery, glass bracelet, 3rd–2nd centuries BC Cuvinte cheie: Dacia preromană, celți, bijuterii, brățară de sticlă, sec. III- II î. Chr. On the occasion of a work visit at the Museum of the Iron Gates Region of Drobeta – Turnu Severin, we noticed on display in a temporary exhibition several glass bracelet fragments, most dated to the Roman age. Among these, the glass fragment with the inventory number II. 7545 constitutes the subject of the present note. he artefact caught our eye because, even though we identiied it at a irst glance as having a Celtic origin, it had not been published before. he examination of the inventory register revealed that this piece of jewellery was part of the old collection of the Museum. It was catalogued in the year 1962 and was erroneously attributed to the Roman period. he mistake is understandable considering that at the moment when it entered the registry the study of glass bracelets discovered on the territory of Romania was only in its infancy. he irst La Tène glass bracelets were published with a context only in 19671. On the other hand, in the column with the ind spot, the register mentions Drobeta, so it was automatically ascribed to the Roman age without further inquiry. his makes us think that it was probably discovered in a context which appeared undoubtedly Roman to the authors of the archaeological research at that time. herefore, with our short note we wish to bring into discussion this unpublished jewellery fragment, along with a new typological and chronological classiication based on analogies traced throughout Europe. 1. State of research. he La Tène glass bracelets attributed to the Celts and discovered on the territory of Romania constituted the subject of individualised research only in recent years, in articles like the one published by J. Németi in 20002, or that by L. Vaida in 20063. Previously, such items were merely described together with the rest of the inventory * 1 2 3 he Museum of Mountain Banat, Reșița, Bvd. Republicii, no. 10, e-mail: Zirra 1967, 69. Németi 2000. Vaida 2006, 29–41. B A N AT I C A , 2 7 | 2 0 1 7 74 from funerary contexts related to the Celts from Transylvania4. In the case of Banat and Oltenia, although funerary or habitation contexts attributed to these populations were published5, there were no glass bracelets among the discoveries. hus, the present fragment is the only Celtic jewellery of this kind recovered from the territory of Oltenia. 2. Discovery context Unfortunately, as mentioned above, the only record of its discovery context is ‘Drobeta’ and we know it entered the inventory register on February 15th, 1962. However, there are some clues that can provide further information on the place of discovery. First of all, regarding the exact location, we can suspect that it was found on the territory of the modern city, probably on the occasion of the research carried out in the fort or in its immediate vicinity. A irst indication of this is the fact that until 1972 the name of the modern city was just ‘Turnu Severin’, and so the name ‘Drobeta’ must have referred to the area of the fort and its civilian settlement, whose location on the ield was already largely known since the 18th century6. his discovery marks another point with Celtic inds from Oltenia; the area around Drobeta was actually known in the specialised literature for the discoveries attributed to this population. hus, the bibliography mentions that archaeological excavations had been carried out between 1961 and 1970 at the Roman fort, also at the Şimian Holm and at Schela Cladovei7 and that all of this places yielded Celtic material, both in habitation and in funerary contexts. hese mainly consisted of pottery, weapons, an iron snale bit, various metal objects, as well as a monetary hoard8. he inds were assigned by M. Davidescu primarily to the Scordiscan Celts9, a population which settled in the Balkan area at the conluence of the Sava river with the Danube around the time of the invasion and defeat sufered by the Celtic tribes at Delphi10. he area under their control stretched along the Danube and temporarily also included parts of present-day Romanian territory11. From a historical point of view, the Minor Scordiscans are attested by Strabon in the area adjacent to the Danube, east of the Morava12, so the territory between this river and the Iron Gates was briely controlled by them13, a fact also archaeologically conirmed by the presence of Scordiscan material both on the territory of Oltenia, and that of Banat14. To the spots with Celtic inds mentioned above one should also add the tomb from Corbului Zirra 1967, 69; Crișan 1973, 75; Lazăr 1975, 72; Crișan 1975, 47; Zirra 1980, 65–69; Németi 1988; Németi 1989; Németi 1992; Németi 2000, 168–169. 5 Sîrbu, Rustoiu, Crăciunescu 1999; Rustoiu, Ursuțiu 2013. 6 Benea 1977, 133. 7 Boroneanț, Davidescu 1968, 253–260; Davidescu 1980, 50–51; Stîngă 1998, 13. 8 Davidescu 1980, 50–51; Stîngă 1998, 13. 9 Davidescu 1980, 50–51. 10 Rustoiu 2015, 20. 11 Rustoiu, Ursuțiu 2013, 323; Rustoiu 2004–2005, 59–60. 12 Strabon, Geograia, VII, 5, 12. 13 Rustoiu 2004–2005, 59. 14 Sîrbu, Rustoiu, Crăciunescu 1999, 221. 4 75 Holm, dated to Lt. B2b, located on an island of the Danube which was also part of their territory15. South of the Danube and in the area nearing Drobeta, isolated discoveries attributed to the Minor Scordiscans and dated to Lt. C1 were made at Boljetin, Pecka Bara and Negotin16. For an overview of the chronological and territorial situation of the Celtic inds from the immediate vicinity of the city one must also mention the funerary contexts at Corcova, discovered in 1975, and at Gruia, in 196917, as well as the most recent at Florești, dated towards the end of the Celtic horizon, between the end of the 2nd and the middle of the 1st centuries BC. he last was attributed to the Padea- Panagjiurski Kolonii group, a warrior elite from the south which concluded the Celtic domination in the area18. Consequently, Celtic discoveries from around Drobeta fall into the general picture of the consequences of the Celtic expansion towards the east and the invasion from 280–277, as well into the circumstance created by the arrival of the Padea Panagjurski Kolonii group19. Against this general background, the presence of La Tène population somewhere in the territory of the modern city of Drobeta–Turnu Severin is once more pointed out by the existence of the bracelet fragment discovered here. Regarding the exact ind spot, we believe that the fragment was almost certainly discovered during the research of the Roman fort, thus explaining why its origin was registered as ‘Drobeta’. It was probably one of the materials displaced by the building of the fort in antiquity. It might have originally come from a funerary context, considering that such bracelets predominantly appear as items of the funerary inventory of female graves20. We cannot rule out its provenance from a habitation context either, bearing in mind the fact that in the rest of Europe glass bracelets were mainly discovered in habitation contexts. However, since all of the inds from our area come from graves, we believe that the piece from Drobeta also originates from a funerary context. 3. Description he bracelet fragment has a total length of 7.9 cm and is manufactured from blue translucent glass with appliques of white opaque glass paste21. It has a D-shaped section with two central ribs lanked by another two smaller ones. At the base it is 1.2 cm wide and the maximum height of the moulding reaches 0.4 cm. he bracelet was manufactured in the hot glass technique, modelled on a rotating core with the help of an iron rod22. In what concerns the type, such bracelets are rather widespread in the Zirra 1971, 223; Rustoiu 2004–2005, 56, 60. Rustoiu 2004–2005, 60. 17 Sîrbu, Rustoiu, Crăciunescu 1999, 217–229. 18 Rustoiu 2015, 27–28. 19 Rustoiu 2004–2005, 53. 20 Rustoiu 2004–2005, 56. 21 Generally, opaque glass is used for the decoration, not for the body of the bracelet, and usually comes in two colours, white and yellow (Karwowski 2004, 59). 22 Karwowski 2012, 250, Fig. 7. 15 16 76 Celtic world, with analogies known from Austria, at Seebarn, where they are dated to Lt. C223, from Poland, at Pleszow, with the same date24, as well as from France, at La Lande du Rameau and Le Petit Mont Arzon, where they are dated to Lt. C2 – Lt. D125. Furthermore, a close analogy for our piece was also found in Slovakia, at Žehra, dated to Lt. C1 – Lt. C226. Our fragment is deformed due to a secondary burning, and part of the zig-zag appliques are no longer preserved. he blue colour, oten called cobalt blue, is typical for La Tène period bracelets, while the glass is predominantly translucent, without visible impurities, and comes in diferent shades27. he presence of zig-zag decorations made from yellow or white opaque glass paste on cobalt blue-coloured bracelets is typical for the Lt. C1b period28. 4. Typological and chronological classiication To date, works of reference for the typological classiication of Celtic glass bracelets remain the typology published in 1960 by h. E. Haevernick29, the one by R. Gebhard in 1989 concerning Manching30, followed by the more recent typologies published by M. Karwowski for Poland in 199731 and that for the territory of Austria published in 200432, as well K. Tanko’s typology for eastern Hungary33, and the one published by a collective of authors in 2011 with respect to Bretagne34. For the Romanian territory, a typology of Celtic bracelets was devised by I. Németi in the articles referring to the necropolis at Pișcolt35. In the year 2000, the same author published a typology of the glass bracelets discovered in north-western Romania36 and in 2006 L. Vaida devised another typology according to which the glass bracelets are assigned to type 2037. Based on the analogies, our fragment can be classiied as h. E. Havernick’s type 38 7c . Also, at Manching they were dated to Lt. C1b, during the last quarter of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd centuries BC according to R. Gebhard39, a date also supported 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Karwowski 2004, 176, cat. nr. 284. Karwowski 1997, 37. Dinard, Gratuze, Cherel 2011, 158. Březinová 2017, 49, 51. Karwowski 2004, 56; Haevernick 1960, 12. Gebhard 1989, 128. Haevernick 1960, 41–66. Gebhard 1989, 128–134. Karwowski 1997. Karwowski 2004. Tankó 2006, 253–263. Dinard, Gratuze, Cherel 2011, 158. Németi 1988, 65–67; Németi 1989, 107–108; Németi 1992, 106–105. Németi 2000, 166–171. Vaida 2006, 40. Haevernick 1960, 53. Gebhard 1989, 128, 130–131. 77 by the cobalt blue colour which is used starting with this period40. In the chronology devised by M. Karwowski for Central Europe, based on the number and shape of the mouldings, our piece corresponds to type 7c and is ascribed to period Lt. C241; the colour, shape, as well as the type of zig-zag decoration are likewise typical for this period42. Referring to Bretagne, it corresponds to type XII which has the same date43. If we consider Poland, it can be classiied as type 7c and dated to Lt. C244. In Romania, in the area of Transylvania, glass bracelets were generally dated starting with the third Celtic horizon Lt. B2b, being more frequent during the fourth horizon corresponding to Lt. C145. 5. Conclusions Glass bracelets are among the representative jewellery discovered in the area pertaining to the Celtic culture, alongside beads and rings46. hey were found both in La Tène age graves and settlements, especially from the Lt. C and Lt. D periods. he largest collections of such inds originate from Manching and Berching–Pollanten in Bavaria47. Together with the beads manufactured from the same material, they are typical for the female dress and are consequently found in women’s graves48. On the territory of Romania, this type of accessories attributed to the Celtic culture were found at Delureni-Şopteriu49, Fântânele-Livadă50, as well as in the area of Carei, at Ciumești, Pișcolt, Hotoan, Cămin-Malul Crasnei, Berea, Căpleni, la Medieșu-Aurit, AțelBratei51, and at Orosfaia52. he most well-known discoveries remain those at Delureni, Fântânele- Livadă and Pișcolt. he fragment kept in the collection of the Museum of the Iron Gates Region is thus part of a series of inds of this type of dress accessories discovered on the territory of modern Romania. Also, the fact that the bracelet fragment comes from somewhere on the territory of the Roman fort or city is reasonable keeping in mind that several discoveries attributed to the Minor Scordiscans were made in the environs of the town, both in habitation and in funerary contexts, namely at Şimian, Schela Cladovei or Corbului Holm. he dating of this fragment is assigned to the Lt C1b – Lt. C2 periods, on the basis of its typology, colour, decoration mode, and especially on the number of mouldings; this means the irst half of the 2nd century 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Tankó 2006, 254. Karwowski 2004, 79. Tanko 2006, 254. Dinard, Gratuze, Cherel 2011, 158. Karwowski 1997, 37, 52. Berecki 2008, 62, 60. Karwowski 2006, 133. Karwowski 2004, 63; Karwowski 2006, 135. Rustoiu 2004–2005, 56. Lazăr 1975, 72. Crișan 1975, 47. Zirra1967, 69; Németi 2000, 168- 169; Zirra1980, 65–69; Crișan 1973, 75. Berecki 2008, 57. 78 BC, a time frame corresponding to the rise to power of the three Celtic tribes of Boii, Taurisci and Scordisci53. 6. Acknowledgements Firstly, we wish to thank the administration of the Museum of the Iron Gates Region, the manager, Mrs. Doinița Maria Chircu, who allowed us to publish the pieces, as well as our colleagues Paul Dinulescu, Andrei Georgescu and Gabriel Văcuță for the help they provided throughout the writing of this paper. Last but not least, we would like to thank Mr. Aurel Rustoiu for all his advice during the documentation stage of this paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY Benea 1977, D. Benea, Câteva considerații cu privire la topograia Drobetei în secolele II- III, in ActaMN, 14, 1977, 133–145. Berecki 2008, S. Berecki, he Chronology of the Celtic Discoveries from Transylvania, in Funerary Practices of the Bronze and Iron Ages in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the 9th International Colloquium of Funeral Archaeology Bistrița, România, May 9th –11th, 2008, ed. V. Sîrbu and D. L. Vaida, Cluj- Napoca, 2008, 47–65. Boroneanț, Davidescu 1968, V. Boroneanț, M. Davidescu, Două bordeie dacice la Schela Cladovei, Turnu Severin, in Apulum, 7,1, 1968, 253–260. Březinová 2017, G. Březinová, Keltské sklo z vybraných výšinných polȏh na Slovensku, in Devín Veroniky Plachej, Zborník k životnému jubileu PhDr. V. Plachej, Zostavila Katarína Harmadyová, Bratislava, 2017, 45–61. Crișan 1973, I. H. 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Încadrarea cronologică a brățării completează descoperirile mai vechi de tradiție La Tène făcute în zona Drobetei romane și în imediata ei apropiere. 82 Pl. 1. Drobeta–Turnu Severin, the modern city and the Roman fort / Drobeta-Turnu Severin, orașul modern și castrul roman Pl. 2. he Celtic discoveries in the area of Drobeta–Turnu Severin / Descoperirile celtice din zona Drobeta-Turnu-Severin 83 84 Pl. 3. Celtic glass bracelet, Museum of the Iron Gates Region, inv. no. 7545 (photos by the author, drawing by G. Văcuță) / Brățară celtică de sticlă, MRPF nr. inv. II. 7545 (fotograii personale, desen G. Văcuță)